Wednesday, December 9, 2009

MacKay out of Cabinet!!!?

It may just be another way they can say it has nothing to do with MacKays horrible performance, but the Cons are now talking about a Cabinet shuffle. Maxine Bernier will be put back into Cabinet according to some sources....

Is MacKay so tarnished that he will be pushed out to make way for a former cabinet member who was once booted out of Cabinet

Lets wait and see.....

BREAKING NEWS!!!! Top General admits abuse

TRhis story gets better and/or sadder each day. For days now the Harper group has said we should be listening to the words of the Top General, not a diplomat. Now that the Top General has admitted there was abuse, I wonder how quickly it will take the Harper Con hacks to start calling him a Taliban dupe or Liberal stooge.

Hats off to the general for being adult enough, and beyond political games, to admit he now has more evidence that does support the claims. This is what real leadership is about.

Faced with overwhelming evidence, can we, no shouldn't we expect a full blown, fully transparent, all the documents uncensored and put forward inquiry?

What will it take, an actual video of abuse before this government admits the matter is one of the most serious in our countries history.

here is the link to the shocking news