Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Peter le Pew

So Mayor Kelly had a lovely swim in the Harbour. He was photographed, and went on to say how it shows he gets tings done, he raised it in his election bid, and beyond his personal connection, it is a huge amount of taxpayers money that has been wasted.

This summer we will notice terrible odours, and more taxpayer money being spent. All because this project was underfunded and poorly planned. Look at other similar size Canadian cities ( Victoria) they are spending more money, because they recognise the dire need to have sewage and water systems that don't damage the environment.

This summer we will host the tall ships, and as tourists look up at the tall masts, lets hope they don't look down at the raw sewage, floating along side the beautiful ships. What a lovely memory.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mulroneys Muddy mess

The sad part is we will never really know the whole truth.There are so many people, so many accounts, so many willing "fibbers" with lots to lose, and so much murkiness surrounding it that in the end, part of what we think we know will be based on the words we hear from people, whom most of us have at least some credibility issues with.

I defy any Mulroney supporter to give me a real clear, honest and non partisan reason why any Canadian should believe that huge, undeclared cash payments made in hotels aren't beneath the actions of any reasonable business person. And Mulroney was a former PM .

Mulroney needs to take a page from the Ralph Klein book of politics. Say yes I was wrong, it was dumb, I will accept consequence and move on, I am human.

Rodney MacDonald calls an election....well sort of

I hope when you read this article you keep several things in mind. First, Rodney is taking a thumping in opinion polls. He has all but told his team to be ready for an election and he recently has said he will break the law, and spend money to ensure he can say he kept his promise of no deficit, and that still may not happen. Of course Rodney just says he will change the law, nice style, if you don't like the law, change it. Mind you he will most likely amend the law, after he breaks it.
In this article, note how Rodney says, it is contingent on his budget passing. This is his weasel way of trying to make it look like the Liberals and NDP don't care about schools. I can hear Rodney now in a few weeks at a press conference, or during an election, " Look I wanted to give money to schools, but the other parties wouldn't let me."
What's next, offerring money to hungry kids, and accusing the other partied of wanting kids to starve. It's brutal, what a clown.

Keep those things in mind, and tell me if this doesn't sound like a vote buying plan, by a desperate lot.

Who is at the wheel here? Mind you these cabinet Ministers haven't shown the best behind the wheel judgement, in many senses, now have they?

Monday, April 13, 2009

click click click

the new and improved adsense is on here now. The ads are better now, muchmusic, travel etc., I want to ensure it is working, so i hope all my loyal bloggers can click on my ads and help me test it out....and click everyday, the more clicks the better the blog, enough clips would allow me to offer more to you as readers. more updates, more often, with more links and resources for you.

thanks, and of course read my posts lol ..but click too....

MacKay gets us 2 for the price of 3, eventually

I sometimes feel bad for Peter. His youthful mistakes and endless need for power had meant he had made many rookie mistakes. That's understandable, it happens. Then you add on Harpers desire to keep Peter, and his leadership ambitions, under wraps, and we saw a Cabinet Minister who was kept in the backgrounds, and only poked his head out to fix a mistake he or his boss had made.

But now he is just turning out to be a weak Minister. The Defense Minister has to have strength both of character and in political ability. MacKay has yet to portay either. He bungles through errors and allows Harper to continue to keep him down. Even as a regional Minister he has been awful. Under his guidance, 1000's of jobs have vanished, our Ports and dock workers have seen contracts lost to BC conservative ridings, and we got stiffed millions in offshore revenue.

I guess its good we find out now that he doesn't have the stuff to hack it, just imagine if he had become PM and we found out, now that would be more than just a little oops...we'd be as screwed as well as....well as well as MacKays career

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rodneys crazy last days

Rodneys recent decision to ignore his own law and re-direct money away from the debt, and in doing so, harming the fiscal strength of our province going forward, is shocking for several reasons.

First, in precedent, it makes it possible for any government, at anytime, to just change laws after the fact, to make what they did legal. This type of governing is just plain blind and cowardly.

Second, Rodney knows he won't get this passed. He is running camapign ads, commercials, and giving attack style campign focused speeches. Why is this relevant to my point ? It's relevant because it shows dishonesty, it shows a lack of character. Rodney is saying to Nova Scotians that he knows he is going to lose his job ( we all know the tories are done in ns for awhile) and he will say anything to win votes. His budget, which will make up a cornerstone of their election platform, is based on the premise that to pass it, you will have to break the law.

Rodney is bumbling through his final screw up. His days are numbered and soon Rodney will join the ranks of the unemployed. In his search for a new job, I hope he doesn't ask any Nova Scotian for a reference, we all know he wil break laws to try and win, not much of a character trait.