Monday, September 28, 2009

Harpers new sponsorhsip scandal!!!???

Some great stories linked below on an issue which is soon to become a full blown scandal, well should become a full blown scandal. Conservative candidates are already admitting only riding's that vote for Harper and his reform/con crew will get any federal help, and tax dollars being used to help Harper stay in power.

You should note, one of the few MP's in his party that Harper allows to speak a lot, is Pierre Polievre. A young MP with little experience, Pierre recently used the term "tar baby". Most of us know this is a terribly racist term, but Harper and Polievre refused to apologize for the crass comments. Well this young clown is sent out to defend the Harper plan. It speaks volumes when Harper sends out a young man, known for his racist slur, to defend his party. It begs the question, why does Harper let this inexperienced, racial slur uttering mouth piece for the party have so much influence and power?

Anyway, enjoy the articles on your tax dollars being used for partisan Conservative propaganda.

Harper is a failed economist

The fact that Harper brags about being an economist should scare us all. Usually something you brag about, is something you are good at, Harper clearly is a failed economist.
First, less then a year ago, he was saying there was no recession coming. He was wrong; stunningly wrong.
When he was a member of the lobbyist world, he screamed about government waste and abuse of tax dollars, and we now see as PM he is one of the most wasteful, disgraceful guardians of our tax dollars ever.
Even groups he used to chair ( NCC) now complain he does exactly what he used to complain about.
We have seem spending on golf balls, trips to exotic sites, and websites that in the end need to be purged of pictures of Harper because the party is accused of misusing tax dollars for political use.

Our deficit is growing everyday, our debt becoming so large that it will take generations to tame ( not that Harper cares, his lot of reformers will be long gone)

Trying to get honest info on infrastructure spending is impossible. Harper says one thing, budget offices say another, and often questions about the money are ignored by this government, or twisted to be used as attacks on others.

Harper, a failed economist and a failed leader. It's time for him to take his long walk in the snow, I am just worried he will try and charge us for his new boots, it seems to be his style.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Harper angry at Non Tories, but loves Mulroney

It's almost on a daily basis now that we see Harpers true colours. In recent days he gladly joined with teh NDP and the Bloc to keep himself in his job, and praised the NDP and Bloc for supporting him. Whats wrong with this you may ask? At its face value nothing. But when taken in proper context, it's another sign of his willingness to say anything at all to hold onto his loose hold on power.

For instance, in mid September, in a secret meeting that he didn't want broadcast, this is what he said about parties working together;

"If they get together and force us to the polls, we have to teach them a lesson and get back there with a majority and make sure their little coalition never happens to this country," Harper said to applause from the partisan crowd.

That to me doesn't sound like someone who wants to see parties work together. My favorite part is his "teach them a lesson" line. What lesson will that be? That cooperation should be punished, that anyone who tries to stop him will be taught a lesson, that it's okay for other parties to work together to keep him in power, but wrong when they work together against him.

It must be hard to be Stephen Harpos brain, everyday getting sent mixed messages. One day the Bloc and NDP are bad, the next, they are allies.

Harpers desire to be King of Canada is so evident now, I am waiting for him to pull out a crown.

IN his attempt to win seats in Quebec he will even go so far as to chum up with Brian " brown paper bags full of money" Mulroney. Mulroney seems to think its okay to not pay taxes ( yes years later , when confronted, he did settle debt), thinks its okay to accept brown paper bags full of money from Karl Heinz Schreiber ( a man charged with bribery amongst other things) in meetings at airport hotels.

Harper will stoop to anything to win votes, and that should scare Canadians. A leader needs to do what helps the country, not what only helps him.

We can do better, and its a sin we aren't. The buck stops with Harper, and the incompetence of his regime is shocking.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Harper joins with Separatists to save his skin

Well it's official, Stephen Harper will say and do anything to stay in power. After spending millions of dollars and hundreds of hours chastising the Liberals for working with the bloc and NDP, calling the cooperation undemocratic and un-canadian, Stephen has joined up with the Separatists and NDP to save his job, for now.

I watched another Harper attack ad, in it his party claims that a deal worked out between the Liberals , NDP and Bloc last fall was just a terrible, terrible thing. Because the tories run their ads at naseum, I have to assume that while the deal between Harper the Separatists and Layton was being worked out, this commercial was being viewed by Canadians.

This is an example of Harpers anything at all to stay in power mentality, he doesn't seem to care that the thing he is now doing, he is actually running attack ads against. He doesn't seem to think its wrong to call the NDP the "bloc anglais", socialist left wing ideologues and vilanize most of the ir policies, then work with them to stay in power.
He doesn't seem to think its wrong to work with a party, the Bloc, who aim to rip apart our country.

The sad reality is this this, by helping the Bloc and the NDP, he is making the Separatists a more legitimate party, and helps them to ultimately achieve their goal of dividing the country.

Mind you I shouldn't be shocked that Harper wants to see our country ripped apart, he always has been hell bent on pitting people and regions against each other, this is his political policy.

What a flip flopper, what a toss away your principles, clutch at straws, say and do anything to stay in power little man Harper IS, not has become, but IS !!

Can we really risk giving this separatist in reform/con clothing person another mandate.

I think not, and now I wait to see more dirty Conservative attack ads, so un-Canadian, so transparent.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Harpers' Hypocritical stance..on just about everything!!!

So Harper is now talking openly about winning the support of the NDP or Bloc to stay in power. This can't be though. No way would Harper, a man who has called the NDP and Bloc every name in the book, and said a deal with either of them by the Liberals was undemocratic.

This is the same man who throws around the term socialist like its a four letter word, and constantly uses it to describe Layton and his party. This is a man who says Ignatieff isn't a true Canadian because he has worked outside our borders. This is a man who fights the supreme courts attempts to save a child soldier from Guantanamo Bay. This is a man who lets Canadians abroad ( mostly those who don't have white skin, what a shame) languish in foreign jails with little or no help from the Harper Conservative government.

Harper has flip flopped on his stances so much that he may go down in history as the most indecisive and perhaps the worst PM ever.

He has flip flopped on his dislike of patronage appointments, appointing a long list of loyal Conservative and reformers to the senate

he has flip flopped on open government, not allowing Ministers to speak, not speaking to reporters, unless they get on his list.

He has flip flopped on Fiscal conservatism, no one can say he is acting like a true fiscal Conservative, because he isn't.

The simple point is this, Harper is not the best we can do, in a country as large as this, as diverse and as caring, do we really deserve a right wing ideologue, who pits people against each other, breaks his own principles and ruins our image around the world.

We need an election, to get a leader who we deserve. The irony of Harper saying an election is wrong, when he broke his own law and caused one just a year ago, is stunning.

Harpers motto seems to be: do what I say, or get punished, and never mind what I do, I am just in it for power